Registered Name: Tudorose Notorious Riant UDTX, RE, HTADs1 HRDs1, AX, AXJ, VCDIII, CA, WC PR12185501

Date of Birth:  – 

Dam:  Tudorose Cosmic Riot (Riot)

Sire:  Tudorose Flash Of Brilliance (Trip)


Testing:  PO-EYE10/51F-VPI EYES Nov 16 2012, PennHip 80%, Thyroid normal 44/18/11 #PO-TH1860/31F-VPI, CHIC # 72604, elbows clear of dysplasia OFA PO-EL1634F43-VPI, clear DEGENERATIVE MYELOPATHY PO-DM589/69F-VPI, clear NEONATAL ENCEPHALOPATHY PO-NE660/69F-VPI, clear vWD PO-VW1117/69F-VPI