
Registered Name: Date of Birth:  –  Dam:  Tudorose Annabella Stuart CD,JH, CGC, HIC (Cheers) Sire:  Ch. Cadbury’s City Slicker (Norman) Pedigree: Testing:  platelet count was 235 —...


Registered Name: Tudorose Prince, PR02532606 Date of Birth:  –  Dam:  Tudorose Good Queen Bess (Ten) Sire:  Penath Cafe J’Aime (Jamie) Pedigree: Testing: ...

Coal (M)

Registered Name: U-CD TUDOROSE COALDUST UDX OM FFA-OP RE GN CGC, TDI PR11547310 Date of Birth:  –  Dam:  Int.Ch. UCD Tudoroes Henrietta Maria RA, CD (Keep-Her) Sire:  GULDTACKAN’S SILVER HOMBRE (Newman) Pedigree: Testing: ...

Mariah (f) cream

Registered Name: Date of Birth:  –  Dam:  Durandel Hello Hollywood (Charisse) MX, MXJ, NF Sire:  Tudorose Royal Flush (Brag) RN, HIC, CGC, PCA/CKC WC Pedigree: Testing: ...


Registered Name: Canadian Champion Tudorose Late Night Slider CD UC644574 Date of Birth:  –  Dam:  Tudorose Suffolk’s Promise Sire:  CH & OTCh Tudorose Henry 8th WCX, TT(Kane) Pedigree: Testing: ...